The most tangible result of this investment is our market-leading and state-of-the-art Revenue Management solution known as INTRASOFT ICARUSTM (INTRASOFT COLLECTIONS AND REVENUE SOLUTION). INTRASOFT ICARUS® facilitates the modernization programs of revenue authorities by addressing the key operational challenges through a functionally rich and technically robust standards-based solution platform.
INTRASOFT ICARUS® is a scalable and highly configurable commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) solution specifically designed and built to help revenue authorities achieve objectives such as maximizing compliance, reducing fraud, improving citizen service, enhancing revenue collection capabilities and providing the flexibility to respond to changes in revenue law.
INTRASOFT ICARUS® is comprised of a set of best-for-purpose applications, namely:
- INTRASOFT ICARUSTM Revenue Management is a powerful application to support core revenue authority operations and processes, and to provide a single view of the taxpayer. Configurable functionalities and processes enable each jurisdiction's specific policies to be accommodated without compromising the upgradability of the solution. INTRASOFT ICARUS® Revenue Management is tightly integrated with INTRASOFT ICARUS® Self Service, INTRASOFT ICARUS® Analytics and INTRASOFT ICARUS® Compliance.
- INTRASOFT ICARUSTM Self Service is a user friendly and high-performance portal application that provides an extensive range of taxpayer services, including processing of registration forms, filing tax returns, viewing account details and making payments.
- INTRASOFT ICARUSTM Compliance provides extended support for the main compliance processes within revenue authorities, including support for risk profiling, risk screening, desk audit, field audit and computer audit.
- INTRASOFT ICARUSTM Analytics offers comprehensive business intelligence and analytics capabilities including interactive dashboards, performance indicators for all aspects of the revenue management operation, ad-hoc analysis and sophisticated predictive analytics and machine learning to enable the identification of fraudulent taxpayers.
Our consultants offer specialized expertise on how best to use INTRASOFT ICARUS® to meet the specific objectives of revenue authorities in the most cost effective, flexible and measurable way.
Netcompany-Intrasoft understands and is committed to Public Sector revenue and collections management. Our business aims are aligned with those of our customers and their success is our success. To choose Netcompany-Intrasoft is to invest in the future with a long term partner committed to keeping your operations at the forefront of technology development and the evolution of advanced revenue and collection practices.
For more information, please visit INTRASOFT ICARUS website.